----- Original Message ----- From: adam-s@pacbell.net To: toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 7:55 AM Subject: Re: slow copies from Netapp, very fast to copy up to the Netapp
By the way, do most people using NFS use TCP instead of UDP because there is more to tune/tweak with TCP? I am trying to get this to become an Oracle backend, but copies currently average 1MB/sec and this is on an 800MB trunk. I was following some recent discussions regarding tuning and then tried some of the values for first UDP and then TCP and the TCP based transfers to a Sun 2.6 Ultra 60 were faster than UDP. We have a very new and fast 100based switched network so the docs would imply we should go w/ UDP for the lesser overhead, but I guess if there is more to tune one's particular client on TCP then that would be the optimum protocol.
Running Version 2 or Version 3 seemed to make no difference - does anyone have any opinions or options that would suggest otherwise?
UDP is almost always going to be faster than TCP on modern LANs. Version 2 vs. 3 is something of a toss-up... it depends on the ops mix of the client and how good its v3 implementation is. I would use v3 first, and then only switch to v2 if there was a problem.