The simple script below doesn't integrate the automatic email, but does give a list of users you would want to notify. Diruse.exe is a utility from the Windows NT resource kit. As written below, it gives a list of all directories with more than 300 Meg. The diruse.txt file lists the home directory name, so if the name matches an email address, you could use blat.exe ( to send email.
My personal preference would be to use unix tools for a script like this because the scripting is much cleaner, but this could be done from an NT environment also. If nobody else has a script like this, I'll try to find some time to put one together.
------------------- quota.cmd ------------------------ :: This file checks the size of home directories on the filer. :: The file diruse.log is created in the directory you run it from. :: by Andy Flores diruse \filer\home /m /* /q:300 /d /l -------------------------------------------------------
----- Original Message ----- From: "Grey, Michael" To: Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 4:09 AM Subject: E-mail warning to CIFS users about quota limit remaining
Does anyone have a script that I can run from within Windows NT that will provide an e-mail notification when a users home directory is above a certain (75%) threshold of available space remaining.
I know the script would not be dynamic though running it once a day would
I running 6.1R1 on a F740
Michael Grey Supervisor - Operations Support Information Technology Services Toronto Transit Commission 416-393-6791