On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Jason D. Kelleher wrote:
|In message Chameleon.980326065754.dpower@blue.insync.net, David Power writ |es: |>Have you priced 630 memory lately? I was quoted $12,000 for a 32 meg |>nvram, 256 meg system ram upgrade. Thats not dropping to me. | | We just paid NetApp $4000 to up the NVRAM on our F330 from 2MB to |8MB. That's over $650 for each 1MB SIMM! When I asked our Sales Rep |about the cost, I was quoted the "We do in house testing" line. Anyway, |two of the SIMMs we were sent were bad... Very disappointing.
Those 2 Dallas Semiconductor 1 NVRAM simms are $84 quantity 1.
| I think it'd work out best for everyone if they just published a |list of "approved" vendors for memory and disk. The customers would |get a better price, and NetApp would look alot nicer.
Amen, and I would like some other choices for disk shelfs. DEC Storageworks are dated and cumbersome.
| jason | | |>--- On Thu, 26 Mar 1998 17:30:52 +1100 Mike Bosch mbosch@netapp.com |>wrote: |> |>>Marc, |>> |>>As I recall, Cisco was requiring 64MB and recommending 128MB on most ISP |>>7500s over a year ago. Whatever......the point is that memory |>requirements |>>will continue to grow over time. |>> |>>The good news is that as more features have required more memory, the |>price |>>of memory has dropped at an even faster rate. |>> |>>MJB |>> |>> |>>At 22:21 25/03/98 -0500, Marc Nicholas wrote: |>>>On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Mike Bosch wrote: |>>> |>>>> A Filer is generically much more like a router than a general purpose |>Unix |>>>> or NT box, but we still require much less space than Cisco's IOS, for |>>example. |>>> |>>>Excuse me? You require less memory than IOS? Did I suddently reappear |>in |>>>another universe where IOS requires 128mb to run? :-p |>>> |>>>You can even run a couple of full BGP views in a Cisco with 64mb -- and |>>>that's to compensate for Cisco's braindead table archietecture. |>>> |>>> |>>>-marc |>>> |>>>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |>>>Hippocampus OSD, Inc. "Industrial Strength Internet Solutions" |>>>vox://416.979.9000 fax://416.979.8223 http://www.hippocampus.net |>>> |>>> |>>> |>> |>> |>>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |>-- |>>------ |>> |>>Mike Bosch |>>Regional Manager |>>Network Appliance Australia - New Zealand |>> |>>Phone: 61-41-728-7345 |>>Email: mbosch@netapp.com |>> |>> |>>********************************************************************* |>> FAST SIMPLE RELIABLE MULTI-PROTOCOL |>>********************************************************************* |>> |>> |>>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |>-- |>>------ |>> |>> |> |>-----------------End of Original Message----------------- |> |> |>David Power |>V-P Operations |>Insync Internet Services Inc. |> |> |
Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | Austin|San Antonio|Houston President | Dallas|Fort Worth|Boerne Texas.Net | Georgetown|Dripping Springs http://www.texas.net | Making 56k affordable