I am a NDMP Legato Networker user, backup seems OK but when I try to restore files using recover interface and DAR (Direct Access Recover), I get always a message : No ACLs will be recovered .... (files are recovered but no ACLs)
DATAONTAP version : 6.1.2R1 Networker : 6.1.1 Tape library is connected to Netapp.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.
Marc. _____________________________________________ SIEMENS V D O Siemens VDO Automotive SAS
A u t o m o t i v e BP 1149 1 Avenue Paul Ourliac 31036 Toulouse cedex 1 (France) Marc Chetrit OI ITS Back Office Phone : 33 (5) 6119 8421 Fax : 33 (5) 6119 2515 mailto:marc.chetrit@at.siemens.fr mailto:marc.chetrit@at.siemens.fr