On 30 Jan 2018, at 7:57 am, John Stoffel <john@stoffel.orgmailto:john@stoffel.org> wrote:
They used UDP at the time because computers and networks were *slow* and the TCP overhead was much higher then, esp since they mostly had hubs back then. Under contention, NFS over TCP would slow way down. I would agrue that this is a false economy today when we have 10g networks. *grin*
Indeed. NFS (over UDP) was invented when Ethernet meant a thick coaxial cable running around the building, shared between all machines, and the speed was 10Mb/s (that’s bits not bytes). Processor speeds were typically 10-20MHz in high end servers. I was around then.
Nowadays, network hardware is all optimised for TCP, whereas there is not much you can do with UDP without being aware of the application layer (7).
TCP offload engines in the network interfaces handle packet assembly/disassembly, checksum computations and other things. Network switches and routers can optimise TCP traffic.
UDP still has its place for things like VPN, media streaming and specialised applications like Aspera. But it doesn’t make sense for standard applications and certainly not file sharing, where data integrity is paramount.
-- Jeremy Webber Senior Systems Engineer
T: +61 2 9383 4800 (main) D: +61 2 8310 3577 (direct) E: Jeremy.Webber@al.com.au
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