Use this as long as you don't want to keep NT ACL's and attributes !-)
ndmpcopy is probably the best method (i've moved terabytes between filers using it). Especially as it's almost all filer-to-filer - the host you run the command on just controls the connections. Since it uses dump, it will save all the NT ACL's and file attributes.
On Thu, 24 May 2001 wrote:
The method that I have used in the past which I believe works better than vol copy is the tar command:
mount both filesystems to your adminhost:
mount tornado:/vol/users /tornado/vol/users mount tempest:/vol/vol0/users /tempest/vol/vol0/users
cd to /tornado/vol/users and issue the tar command:
tar -cf - . | (cd /tempest/vol/vol0/users ; tar -xvpf -)
Doing this should also defrag the filesystems which I don't believe vol copy does...Someone can correct me here if I fell asleep during that part of the class.
Don Maloy Intier Automotive Sr. CAD Administrator 19888 Haggerty Road Livonia, MI 48152 734.432.4418
"Allen, Pat" <pat@mbari.or To: "Toasters (E-mail)" <> g> cc: (bcc: Don Maloy/PDD/DORTEC) Subject: Question on "vol copy" 05/24/01 02:22 PM
Hi all,
I have an existing 740 (tornado) with two volumes - vol0 and users. I have a new 740 (tempest) with just vol0 and a qtree named "users". I want to copy all the user directories from torando:/vol/users to tempest:/vol/vol0/users in the easiest and quickest method possible. Both of the filers are connected via gig-ethernet to our main switch so using a filer-to-filer transfer would be the fastest.
Do any of you know if the "vol copy" command can be used in this case. Can I specify that the destination is actually a qtree?
The documentation for the vol command also says that the destination volume must be offline but that the root volume can't be taken offline. Is this a catch-22?
Thanks for the help!
Pat Allen ( Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) 7700 Sandholdt Rd, Moss Landing, CA 95039 (voice) 831-775-1724; (fax) 831-775-1620