NetApp support informed me that they now ship all F760's with the onboard FC-AL adapter terminated and add an extra pci FC-AL adapter instead. I was also told that the onboard controller most likely caused several problems that we experienced like: 'watchdog resets', 'UNCORR PROC 98' errors, Netapp momentarily disappearing from the network, and 'disk underrun' errors. Terminating the onboard controller and adding a new pci FC-AL controller has seemed to fix all these problems for us.
David Midgett Manager, Server Operations, Inc. The Leading Network of Niche Vertical Sites.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Brian Tao Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 7:22 PM To: Cc:; Subject: Re: AW: 'Loop break detected' followed by failover
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 wrote:
we also had a ' isp2100_timeout]: Resetting ISP2100 in slot ..' a few weeks ago. F740 , DOT 5.2.3, FC-AL 18 GB, Gbit Card.
!! Be careful !!
Replacing motherboard and FC-Adapter-Card at last solved the problem, after we replaced all cables, all shelves of this loop, and about 3 disks.
I think there is a known (but perhaps not widely acknowledged) problem with the on-board FC-AL interface on the F740 motherboards (and possibly on other models as well). I have four F740's in production, of which two have had histories of flaky FC-AL (ISP2100 timeouts during disk scrubs, hung RAID reconstructions, simultaneous errors across all drives on a shelf, etc.). Netapp has sent up four slot-based FC-AL adapters and told me to use those instead of the on-board ones.
Another shipment of four F740's arrived earlier this week, and I noticed they came with two slot-based FC-AL adapters each (these are clustered systems). I take that as an indication that Netapp still believes there is some sort of defect on the F740 motherboards. -- Brian Tao (BT300, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"