Hey! You guys got a knife? Geez. We should start up a list of stuff sorted by gee-wow value so that we can each find out where we stand with Net App...
So far I have a lovely stainless steel travel coffee mug, a wonderous fold up and zip inside-out tote bag, 1 gorgeous t-shirt and a nice warm and fuzzy sweat shirt (blue). I don't even rate a knife... (then again, can I be trusted with sharp objects? Maybe not...)
I have seen a great little multi-tip screw-driver with a built-in pen light that I believe was Net App swag as well...
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Steve Vawter Steve.Vawter@C-Cube.COM Staff UNIX Sys. Adm. voice: 408-490-5310 fax: 603-754-3713 personal email address: leopard@Midwinter.COM
--> --> From mgx@ornl.gov Fri Apr 20 15:18:22 2001 --> From: Michael Galloway mgx@ornl.gov --> To: Barry Lustig barry@lustig.com --> Cc: toasters@mathworks.com --> Subject: Re: How would you respond to this -Reply --> User-Agent: Mutt/1.1.14i --> --> Hi Barry! --> --> heheh ... thats a good one! i still have my trusty netapp swiss army knive --> too, i'd gladly swap it out the jacket! --> --> -- micahel --> --> --> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Barry Lustig wrote: --> --> > Can we trade in our "multi-protocol" pocket knives for the jacket? :-) --> > --> > barry --> > --> > -->