Would have to see perfstat (statit and a few other things) to know..but you are much more in line with reality...you're square in the ballpark.
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Dan Burkland dburklan@nmdp.org wrote:
Here are the results with Direct I/O enabled:
Run began: Sun May 20 16:21:12 2012
File size set to 5242880 KB Record Size 1024 KB Excel chart generation enabled O_DIRECT feature enabled Command line used: iozone -s 5g -r 1m -t 16 -R -b
/root/iozone_mn4s31063_2012-05-d.csv -I -F tf1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. Throughput test with 16 processes Each process writes a 5242880 Kbyte file in 1024 Kbyte records
Children see throughput for 16 initial writers = 262467.29 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 initial writers = 260324.76 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 16309.72 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 16546.15 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 16404.21 KB/sec Min xfer = 5168128.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 rewriters = 251104.65 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 rewriters = 251090.95 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 15546.73 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 15832.99 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 15694.04 KB/sec Min xfer = 5148672.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 readers = 619751.30 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 readers = 619581.97 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 36595.70 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 39467.45 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 38734.46 KB/sec Min xfer = 4861952.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 re-readers = 626421.73 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 re-readers = 626354.38 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 37853.47 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 40021.52 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 39151.36 KB/sec Min xfer = 4959232.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 reverse readers = 462712.64 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 reverse readers = 462649.29 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 27713.84 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 29794.67 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 28919.54 KB/sec Min xfer = 4877312.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 stride readers = 520482.83 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 stride readers = 520448.31 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 31892.69 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 33016.53 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 32530.18 KB/sec Min xfer = 5064704.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 random readers = 544089.98 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 random readers = 544055.32 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 33799.79 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 34304.76 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 34005.62 KB/sec Min xfer = 5166080.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 mixed workload = 365865.06 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 mixed workload = 352394.93 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 22250.01 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 23576.78 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 22866.57 KB/sec Min xfer = 4947968.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 random writers = 230192.41 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 random writers = 229237.34 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 14307.92 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 14463.50 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 14387.03 KB/sec Min xfer = 5186560.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 pwrite writers = 197020.59 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 pwrite writers = 195973.16 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 12265.62 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 12394.86 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 12313.79 KB/sec Min xfer = 5188608.00 KB Children see throughput for 16 pread readers = 578525.04 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 pread readers = 578418.73 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 33046.61 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 38253.89 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 36157.82 KB/sec Min xfer = 4530176.00 KB
"Throughput report Y-axis is type of test X-axis is number of processes" "Record size = 1024 Kbytes " "Output is in Kbytes/sec"
" Initial write " 262467.29
" Rewrite " 251104.65
" Read " 619751.30
" Re-read " 626421.73
" Reverse Read " 462712.64
" Stride read " 520482.83
" Random read " 544089.98
" Mixed workload " 365865.06
" Random write " 230192.41
" Pwrite " 197020.59
" Pread " 578525.04
The read results definitely look more believable now. Are these results more in line with what I should be seeing? Tomorrow I am going to try and rule the switches out of the equation by running "netperf" between my two 10GbE test systems.
From: Jeff Mohler speedtoys.racing@gmail.com Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 16:17:41 -0500 To: Dan Burkland dburklan@nmdp.org Cc: "toasters@teaparty.net" toasters@teaparty.net Subject: Re: Poor NFS 10GbE performance on NetApp 6080s
Re-read is from:
Host system cache Netapp system cache (or pam)
Direct will bypass host caching..yup.
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Dan Burkland dburklan@nmdp.org wrote:
In regards to the latest "iozone" results, are these more in the ball park of what I should be seeing? Also why is the re-read throughput value roughly 20x that of the initial read speed? Would this be caching on the NFS client side or some sort of caching done by the PAM card on the 6080? (Should I be running these tests with the "-I" or "Direct IO" argument to bypass any possible local caching mechanisms?"
Thanks again!
On 5/19/12 5:32 PM, "Dan Burkland" dburklan@NMDP.ORG wrote:
I unmounted the NFS share and rebooted the box before running the same "iozone" command again. This time I let "iozone" run through all of its test (including the read-based ones)
Run began: Sat May 19 16:46:27 2012
File size set to 5242880 KB Record Size 1024 KB Excel chart generation enabled Command line used: iozone -s 5g -r 1m -t 16 -R -b
/root/iozone_mn4s31063_2012-05-d.csv -F tf1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. Throughput test with 16 processes Each process writes a 5242880 Kbyte file in 1024 Kbyte records
Children see throughput for 16 initial writers = 349500.55
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 initial writers = 173837.26 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 21147.24 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 22701.06 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 21843.78 KB/sec Min xfer = 4884480.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 rewriters = 372333.90
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 rewriters = 179256.38 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 22495.20 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 24418.89 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 23270.87 KB/sec Min xfer = 4830208.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 readers = 440115.98
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 readers = 439993.44 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 26406.17 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 28724.05 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 27507.25 KB/sec Min xfer = 4819968.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 re-readers = 8953522.06
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 re-readers = 8930475.33 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 408033.34 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 671821.62 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 559595.13 KB/sec Min xfer = 3186688.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 reverse readers = 5543829.37
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 reverse readers = 5425986.47 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 15684.29 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 2261884.25 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 346489.34 KB/sec Min xfer = 36864.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 stride readers = 16532117.19
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 stride readers = 16272131.55 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 257097.92 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 2256125.75 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 1033257.32 KB/sec Min xfer = 602112.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 random readers = 17297437.81
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 random readers = 16871312.92 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 320909.25 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 2083737.75 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 1081089.86 KB/sec Min xfer = 826368.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 mixed workload = 10747970.97
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 mixed workload = 112898.07 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 54960.62 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 1991637.38 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 671748.19 KB/sec Min xfer = 145408.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 random writers = 358103.29
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 random writers = 166805.09 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 21263.60 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 22942.70 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 22381.46 KB/sec Min xfer = 4859904.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 pwrite writers = 325666.64
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 pwrite writers = 177771.50 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 19902.90 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 20863.29 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 20354.17 KB/sec Min xfer = 5008384.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 pread readers = 445021.47
KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 pread readers = 444618.25 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 26932.47 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 28361.61 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 27813.84 KB/sec Min xfer = 4981760.00 KB
"Throughput report Y-axis is type of test X-axis is number of processes" "Record size = 1024 Kbytes " "Output is in Kbytes/sec"
" Initial write " 349500.55
" Rewrite " 372333.90
" Read " 440115.98
" Re-read " 8953522.06
" Reverse Read " 5543829.37
" Stride read " 16532117.19
" Random read " 17297437.81
" Mixed workload " 10747970.97
" Random write " 358103.29
" Pwrite " 325666.64
" Pread " 445021.47
On 5/19/12 4:48 PM, "Jeff Mother" speedtoys.racing@gmail.com wrote:
You're now approaching storage write saturation for your box on writes at that rate.
Pull reads now.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 19, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Dan Burkland dburklan@NMDP.ORG wrote:
Here are the IOZone results:
Run began: Sat May 19 16:22:46 2012
File size set to 5242880 KB Record Size 1024 KB Excel chart generation enabled Command line used: iozone -s 5g -r 1m -t 16 -R -b /root/iozone_mn4s31063_2012-05-d.csv -F tf1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18 Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. Throughput test with 16 processes Each process writes a 5242880 Kbyte file in 1024 Kbyte records
Children see throughput for 16 initial writers = 371306.91 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 initial writers = 167971.82 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 21901.84 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 25333.62 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 23206.68 KB/sec Min xfer = 4533248.00 KB
Children see throughput for 16 rewriters = 350486.11 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 16 rewriters = 176947.47 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 21154.26 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 23011.69 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 21905.38 KB/sec Min xfer = 4819968.00 KB
362MB/s looks quite a bit higher however can somebody validate that I am reading these results correctly? Should I also run "iozone" with the -a (auto) option for good measure?
Thanks again for all of your responses, I greatly appreciate it!
On 5/19/12 4:36 PM, "Dan Burkland" dburklan@NMDP.ORG wrote:
Jeff Mother - Which specific setting are you referring to?
I installed iozone on my test machine and am currently running the following iozone command on it:
iozone -s 5g -r 1m -t 16 -R -b /root/iozone_testserver_2012-05-d.csv -F tf1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17 t18
I'll post the results once it is finished
On 5/19/12 2:44 PM, "Jeff Mother" speedtoys.racing@gmail.com wrote:
Easy one.
If it went down in half, adjust your kernel tcp slot count.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 19, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Dan Burkland dburklan@NMDP.ORG
> I know dd isn't the best tool since it is a single threaded >application > and in no way represents the workload that Oracle will impose. >However, > I > thought it would still give me a decent ballpark figure regarding > throughput. I tried a block size of 64k, 128k, and 1M (just to see) >and > got a bit more promising results: > > # dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/testfile bs=1M count=5120 > 5120+0 records in > 5120+0 records out > 5368709120 bytes (5.4 GB) copied, 26.6878 seconds, 201 MB/s > > If I run two of these dd sessions at once the throughput figure >above > gets > cut in half (each dd session reports it creates the file at around > 100MB/s). > > As far as the switch goes, I have not checked it yet however I did > notice > that flow control is set to full on the 6080 10GbE interfaces. We >are > also > running Jumbo Frames on all of the involved equipment. > > As far as the RHEL OS tweaks go, here are the settings that I have > changed > on the system: > > ### > /etc/sysctl.conf: > > # 10GbE Kernel Parameters > net.core.rmem_default = 262144 > net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 > net.core.wmem_default = 262144 > net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 > net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 262144 tel:4096%20262144 16777216 > net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 262144 tel:4096%20262144 16777216 > net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1 > net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0 > net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0 > net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0 > # > > ### > > ### > /etc/modprobe.d/sunrpc.conf: > > > options sunrpc tcp_slot_table_entries=128 > > ### > > > ### > Mount options for the NetApp test NFS share: > > > >rw,vers=3,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2, >s >ec > = > sy > s > > ### > > Thanks again for all of your quick and detailed responses! > > > Dan > > > > On 5/19/12 1:08 PM, "Robert McDermott" rmcdermo@fhcrc.org wrote: > >> Your block size is only 1K; try increasing the block size and the >> throughput will increase. 1K IOs would generate a lot of IOPs with >> very >> little throughput. >> >> -Robert >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >> On May 19, 2012, at 10:48, Dan Burkland dburklan@NMDP.ORG wrote: >> >>> Hi all, >>> >>> My company just bought some Intel x520 10GbE cards which I >>>recently >>> installed into our Oracle EBS database servers (IBM 3850 X5s >>>running >>> RHEL >>> 5.8). As the "linux guy" I have been tasked with getting these >>> servers >>> to >>> communicate with our NetApp 6080s via NFS over the new 10GbE >>>links. I >>> have >>> got everything working however ever after tuning the RHEL kernel I >>>am >>> only >>> getting 160MB/s writes using the "dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/testfile >>> bs=1024 >>> count=5242880" command. For you folks that run 10GbE to your >>> toasters, >>> what write speeds are you seeing from your 10GbE connected >>>servers? >>> Did >>> you have to do any tuning in order to get the best results >>>possible? >>> If >>> so >>> what did you change? >>> >>> Thanks! >>> >>> Dan >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Toasters mailing list >>> Toasters@teaparty.net >>> http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/toasters > > > _______________________________________________ > Toasters mailing list > Toasters@teaparty.net > http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/toasters
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