I am working in an environment in which a Netapp filer containing files with mixed-case names is being accessed using both CIFS and NFS. It is important that I be able to access the files using NFS in a case-insensitive manner.
You can't do it. UNIX and NFS support both upper and lower case filenames.
Unfortunately, converting all of the filenames to a consistent case is not an option.
Then you are out of luck.
The NFS access is being done from a RedHat Linux server running Apache. I have considered writing an Apache module to parse the directory structure to determine the actual case of the filename, although this option seems too inefficient.
Altering Apache is the best option, but you have to decide what to do in the case of conflicts. It would seem that you already have an idea of which case of filenames is the "correct" one... in which case, you should have no trouble having the filenames saved to a consistent case.
Perhaps if I (or others) understood why you can't convert filenames to a consistent case it would be easier to resolve the problem.