Ndmpcopy will also automatically create the directory path you specify in the destination if it does not exist. This is a nice feature if you are collapsing multiple dir's or qtrees such that you do not need to manually create the new structure.
Jeff Kennedy QCT Engineering Compute 858-651-6592
-----Original Message----- From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com
On Behalf Of Michael Galloway Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:37 PM To: Brian Dunbar Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: ndmpcopy and the newb
brian, its full path:
ndmpcopy [options] sourcefiler:/path/to/source/dir destfiler:/path/to/dest/dir
-- michael
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 03:44:08PM -0500, Brian Dunbar wrote:
I'm new to managing Filers - I hope you'll put up with a newb
or two while I get on my feet. I've not been left entirely on my own
- but there are two unix guys here to mange a lot of servers where
there were four of us .. and the two guys who had done this job
are the ones who left for greener pastures. So I've got a mature and reasonably stable infrastructue to work with at least.
My first task is to move a volume from a busy filer to a non-busy
- The preferred method (for our shop, I'm told) is to use ndmpcopy
I've got shell access to both filers, they can ping each other. I've
a desination volume created.
ndmpcopy [options] source destination
The source and destination specify a hostname (no problem) and
pathname of the directory to be used for the transfer. Does this mean
absolute pathname of the source/destination volume? Or .. something
If the former how do I find that?
- Unless there is a better way to do this? I can of course mount
volumes via NFS from a 3rd host and simply move then but (from what
read) ndmpcoy is a better choice.
Brian Dunbar Plexus brian.dunbar@plexus.com