Hello toasters,
I’m attempting to move a 3TB vol to a new aggregate. The destination aggregate has 100TB available space. It’s been preparing to transfer for over 3 hours…. Is this normal?
Cluster::> volume move show -vserver svm1 -volume bigvol
Vserver Name: svm1 Volume Name: bigvol Actual Completion Time: - Bytes Remaining: - Destination Aggregate: cluster_03_sata01_8t Detailed Status: Volume move job preparing transfer Error: Creating Snapshot copy with owner tag: Not enough space for Snapshot tags Estimated Time of Completion: - Managing Node: node-03 Percentage Complete: - Move Phase: replicating Estimated Remaining Duration: - Replication Throughput: - Duration of Move: 03:21:53 Source Aggregate: cluster_03_sata02_8t Start Time of Move: Mon Nov 04 09:10:19 2019 Move State: warning Is Source Volume Encrypted: false Encryption Key ID of Source Volume: Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:
Should I be concerned about the "Error: Creating Snapshot copy with owner tag: Not enough space for Snapshot tags” ?
Is there any way to see if this vol move job is hung or actually doing something?
Thanks, Scott