32 to 64bit conversion doesn't happen that way. The ways you'll get a 32bit aggregate to go to a 64bit aggregate are:
a. After upgrading to 8.1, adding additional spindles to the 32bit aggregate to go beyond the 16TB limit and, in the background, the 64bit conversion will start.
b. A SnapMirror from a 32bit to 64bit aggregate and when the mirror relationship is broken, the 64bit conversion will start.
If you are just doing an in-place upgrade to 8.1.2, the aggregate conversion process will not start.
André M. Clark | Sr. Consulting Engineer, Team Lead | Insight Integrated Systems | 917.388.8236
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From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Cleverley Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 20:12 To: Subject: Delaying 64 bit aggregate upgrades
Is there a way to go from 7.3.5 to 8.1.2 without having all the aggregates start doing automatic conversions to 64 bit?
Our current filers are getting hit pretty hard. I think the OS upgrade will help, but I'm afraid the aggregate upgrades will generate too much disk activity and slow things down for a day or two. We have ~9 aggregates per head that are 10T or larger. Most of these only have one volume in them. The shared ones have a few volumes with 40M+ inodes in use. If I can upgrade the aggregates selectively it will make it less noticeable to the users.