Hi folks,
On my F720 I have recently upgraded my Ontap version from 5.3.6R2 to 6.2.2. I now have a weird situation in that when I browse the W2K network with a PC I cannot see the NetApp in the browse list for my domain. I DO see the NetApp in the Active Directory Computer container. It is also listed in WINS. I also can network map a drive to the NetApp from the Windows Explorer Tools menu. It works fine. Also, anyone that has a present network-mapped drive is able to use it. The ONLY problem is browsing for the NetApp. It is not even listed in the browse list. Has anyone seen this before?
My W2K domain is SNOWSHORE while my DNS/AD directory domain is office.snowshore.com. Here's the output from my recent cifs setup:
thor> cifs setup Enable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PC Your filer is visible to all systems using WINS. The WINS name servers currently configured are: Do you want to modify this list? [no]: This filer is currently configured as a Multiprotocol filer. Do you want to configure this filer as a NTFS-only filer? [no]: This filer is currently a member of the domain 'OFFICE' If you want to change the name of the filer, or change the filer's domain membership, you must delete its existing account information. Do you want to delete the existing filer account information? [no]: yes The default name of this filer will be 'THOR'. Do you want to modify this name? [no]: CIFS supports three types of user authentication: 1. Windows Domain authentication. 2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts. 3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS based authentication. What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: 1 The filer will use Windows Domain authentication. Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:office.snowshore.com OFFICE is a Windows 2000(tm) domain. In order to create this filer's domain account, you must supply the name and password of an administrator account with sufficient privilege to add the filer to the OFFICE domain. Please enter the Windows 2000 user [OFFICE\Administrator]: Password for OFFICE\Administrator: CIFS - Logged in as OFFICE\Administrator. By default, setup creates the filer account in the Active Directory container named 'Computers'. Alternatively, you can install the filer in an organizational unit (OU) by specifying the domain relative distinguished name of the OU, as in 'ou=innerOU,ou=outerOU'. Active Directory container for filer account? [cn=computers]: CIFS - Connecting to domain controller. Mon Nov 25 23:03:46 EST [nbns_timer:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete fo r local server Welcome to the OFFICE Windows 2000(tm) domain.
CIFS local server is running. thor>
One of the thing's I am very curious about is the fact that the machine "joins" the OFFICE domain. All of my workstations "join" the SNOWSHORE or atleast the office.snowshore.com domain. Could this be the problem?
Ed Sanborn (978) 367-8478 Principal Network Administrator SnowShore Networks 285 Billerica Rd. Chelmsford, MA. 01824