On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Bruce Sterling Woodcock wrote:
I think your filer is clearly overloaded with writes. Part of the problem is you set it up in a cluster, so you're really only getting half of the NVRAM. I think your best solution is to just move some of the traffic off to other filers, IF you actually find the filer to be slow. I would not add any additional traffic to it.
I would check how much the disks are working and probably add more traffic until I would come close to saturating the disk interface. :) Remember that NVRAM/caching gives you an advantage over standard disks so that the NFS delay becomes negligible or perhaps even nonexistant. If the netapp caches NFS requests before putting them in the NVRAM log then you should be able to saturate the box to the point that you are using 100% CPU or 100% disk bandwidth whichever comes first.