Due to a snapmirror failing issue, NetApp support have advised us to run wafliron (online) or WAFL_check (offline) on the source volume. They have advised us that there's no way to check a volume while online for errors - a 'tell me if I need to run WAFL_check in fix mode, but don't do anything now' (I realise that WAFL_check prompts before fixing)
The issue is that we do not want to schedule offline maintenance with an unkown end time when we don't know if there's anything wrong with the filesystem. We expect that the check to take several hrs as we have 13.5m files & 340G in the volume.
Have other run into this before? I see the lack of 'check while online, but don't fix' as a serious flaw with OnTap.
Thanks, GB
---- Garrett Burke, Service Implementation & Support Manager, Eircomnet. http://www.eircom.net