During the moves we did, we got the same errors and increased volume size which started the move right after space was available for the snapshot. In some cases it was a few mb in some gb.
On Nov 4, 2019, at 14:39, Scott Classen sclassen@lbl.gov wrote:
Hello toasters,
I’m attempting to move a 3TB vol to a new aggregate. The destination aggregate has 100TB available space. It’s been preparing to transfer for over 3 hours…. Is this normal?
Cluster::> volume move show -vserver svm1 -volume bigvol
Vserver Name: svm1 Volume Name: bigvol Actual Completion Time: - Bytes Remaining: - Destination Aggregate: cluster_03_sata01_8t Detailed Status: Volume move job preparing transfer
Error: Creating Snapshot copy with owner tag: Not enough space for Snapshot tags Estimated Time of Completion: - Managing Node: node-03 Percentage Complete: - Move Phase: replicating Estimated Remaining Duration: - Replication Throughput: - Duration of Move: 03:21:53 Source Aggregate: cluster_03_sata02_8t Start Time of Move: Mon Nov 04 09:10:19 2019 Move State: warning Is Source Volume Encrypted: false Encryption Key ID of Source Volume: Is Destination Volume Encrypted: false Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume:
Should I be concerned about the "Error: Creating Snapshot copy with owner tag: Not enough space for Snapshot tags” ?
Is there any way to see if this vol move job is hung or actually doing something?
Thanks, Scott
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