Sound like a job for Storage Quality of Service (QOS)
create a storage qos policy for each volume....create for monitor for now, no limits Assign appropriate policy to volume. It takes effect immediately.
Look at the qos statistics to see which volume(s) are busier than the others....move if you need/want to.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:28 PM, Sayla, Mustafa <> wrote:
Is there a way to find out why in a CDOT cluster controller A is always between 50 and 55% CPU usage and controller B is less than 25%. Storage wise data is evenly balance but seem like some volumes are used more heavily than others and if I can identify them I would balance them to that CPU usage is even between the controllers.
Thank you
Mustafa Sayla *Visit us on the Web at*
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