Capital idea..
We would certainly like to have more surveys returned - we should like to see EVERY survey returned.
You have an excellent point - why not have a web-based survey form? Easy, friendly, quick.. Back in the days when I was a NetApp customer, I admit, I threw them away too - too much trouble to fill out the e-mail form; who has that kind of time anymore?
I have passed your idea along to the folks in Customer Satisfaction who can make this happen.
--- Justin Sullivan Network Appliance, Technical Support Engineer Network Appliance Certified Associate Get answers NOW! - NetApp On the Web - Tech Support Hotline: 1-888-4NETAPP
-----Original Message----- From: Chris Thompson [] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:04 PM To: Subject: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
What do you do with the the e-mail that arrives from after a problem is closed with NetApp, inviting you to fill in a "5 STARS Survey" form? I admit I throw them in the e-wastebin.
It seems to me that providing only a method of returning these (probably only marginally meaningful) answers by e-mail is absolutely pessimal. If they really want to increase the response rate, surely NetApp should provide a method using forms at My vague recollection is that at one time a WWW-browser-based method was offered, but this doesn't seem to be the case now.
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.