On Mon, 5 Sep 2011, Tom Yates wrote:
Regarding unsubscriptions: the list engine doesn't deal well with "unsubscribe" requests sent (a) to the full list (b) from an address at which you're not subscribed; I'm not convinced this is the engine's fault. If you want to unsubscribe, there is automated assistance in the headers of every single list message, which most decent mailers will present to you. Every subscriber also gets a reminder on the first of every month that outlines several other methods for unsubscribing, and in the limiting case, you can ask me.
Apparently that wasn't comprehensible enough; sorry to all the subscribers who don't need to read this.
(1) You can't unsubscribe by email unless you send it from the address at which you're subscribed.
(2) You can't unsubscribe via the web interface unless you quote the address at which you're subscribed. Yes, you can enter the wrong address, and the web interface won't tell you, it will just silently fail to send anything; this is a security measure to prevent address harvesting.
(3) You can't unsubscribe from the list by sending *any* kind of email **to the whole list**.
Steve hopper@cs.ucsd.edu, I'm guessing you're actually subscribed as "steve@ucsd.edu". Check your headers.
Everyone else who's actually directly subscribed to the list, you were sent an automated email on the 1st of October. You'll get another tomorrow morning, unless you've opted-out via the web interface. That contains all the details you need to unsubscribe yourself, personally. *Please keep it for the next month*. Failing that, read your headers to work out which address you subscribed from.
EXCEPTION: some netapp folks are not directly subscribed to the list at all [1], but subscribe via an internal exploder at netapp for historical reasons. For myself, I think life's easier if you subscribe directly. But if you're at netapp, and you've subscribed via the exploder, there is NOTHING I can do to get you off the list. No amount of email or web interaction with teaparty.net will get you off. I would have to unsubscribe the entire exploder to get you off the list, and I won't do that unless netapp asks me to. You need to contact Steven Yee of netapp, who is heroically trying to deal with the exploder.