Hello Does anyone know what happens when you have a FlexClone demo license that has expired and you have FlexClones that were created during the period the license was active, and you reboot the filer? Do the FlexClones still work? Do they get disabled but the data is still there? Do they get deleted? I was about to update a filer to 8.3.2P12 and AutoSupport correctly noted that this license had expired. Data on these clones is still used, of course, so losing it would be a terrible thing.
One thing that sprang to mind is that I am SnapMirroring these FlexClones to a DR site already, so I guess worst case scenario I need to mirror them back (though fully inflated they are about 6t each).
Ian Ehrenwald Senior Infrastructure Engineer Hachette Book Group, Inc. 1.617.263.1948 / ian.ehrenwald@hbgusa.com
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