We're a small shop a couple of FAS 3020's doing basic, NFS, CIFS, Snapdrive/SnapManager For SQL and Snapmirror. We are up for our contract renewal soon. I have been in the biz for quite a number of years and can remember back to amazing support from Netapp. I have found quite the opposite over the past two years. Most are problems with first addressing the case, usually it took a phone call. Then it gets to incompetence with their products, like SnapManager for SQL and Snapdrive. Cases went on forever, i always had to hound them for status, making it quite frustrating. The end result of most cases is me getting a note from some support manager at Netapp apologizing.
I still like the products, just hate the support methods. What do you folks do? We of course want to upgrade when possible to keep up to date from bugs. We don't want to blow the bank though for their support if we can go somewhere else for better.
tia for your thoughts, rsurfer