Mike Patchen - Verio Southern California wrote:
This is a bug in IIS. MS and netapp are aware of it. Frontpage also has a bug where all content has to be on local disk so we cannot use our filer on these accounts. MS says this will be fixed in the FP99 release.
We had the exact same problems you describe.
-Mike Patchen Verio Southern California
On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Jimy Liu wrote:
But I think I did not use FrontPage. And if I use other PC(win95) as NT's network drive running IIS. It worked fine. Why Netapp Not ? MS may say "We can work with Normal network drive like win95. NetApp filer may be not Normal".
About two month ago, my customer ran Notes server on NT using NetApp filer => Notes boot Fail . If she ran Notes server on this NT using another NT's disk as network drive => Notes boot Success. Again why filer can't ? (ps: I hope to resolv IIS with filer first )