On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 09:50:01PM +0100, Chris Thompson wrote:
daniel@sprintlabs.com (Daniel Oxenhandler) writes:
- Will we need to create separate volumes for Home dir's and Projects, so
that the quotas will work as we intend (e.g. a user can own files in his Project directory without it counting against his User quota) -- or can we get away with qtrees? My suspicion is that we will need to start from scratch and create at least two volumes to do this.
You don't need separate volumes: separate qtrees will do everything you need. You can make specific or default per-uid or per-gid quotas that apply only within a particular qtree: see the na_quotas man page for the syntax.
it will of course be cleaner to create separate volumes, and in some situations make more sense and reduce operational overhead. user quotas apply on a per volume basis, not on a qtree basis. this means that users may be prevented from writing to 'project' directories once their home dir starts to fill up. depending on your clients, files may be truncated as they are opened ( Older versions on FreeBSD did this ) if a user is over their quota. in order to add a new qtree/user quota ( if you don't use a default user quota) you have to toggle quotas off/on.