I am having problems doing an imcremental ndmp copy from one filer to another. The first level i goes fine. The second one a few days later gives this error:
filer1: CONNECT: Connection established. filer2: CONNECT: Connection established. filer1: LOG: DUMP: filer1: LOG: creating "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_backup.828" snapshot. filer2: LOG: RESTORE: filer2: LOG: Could not create /vol/volhome1/etc/tmp/restore.clrimap.184.time_996070293.pid_23341776 filer2: LOG: RESTORE: filer2: LOG: Cannot restart restore without a dumpmap. filer2: LOG: RESTORE: filer2: LOG: RESTORE IS ABORTED filer2: Connection halted: HALT: Internal error!
It appears that in the etc/tmp dirs on the target filer volumes there should be files created after each ndmpcopy called dump.dirlist and dump.bitmap but on some of the target volumes they not there. some target volumes do have these files and those volumes will do incremental copies. All initial copies completed successfully with no errors. Does anyone have any ideas why these files were not created??
The command I am using for both is:
ndmpcopy -level i filer1:/vol/vol0/ filer2:/vol/volhome1/users2/