If your existing volume or aggregate is created with raid_dp and if your RAID group is still small enough, you may be able to reduce the protection-level from RAID-DP to RAID-4, thus regaining the RAID-DP disk as a spare. Use the volume or aggregate option raidtype and set it to raid4
Example: aggr options aggr0 raidtype raid4
Once you get some spare disks then you can follow the steps below to : (1) create a temporary volume (2) use the ndmpcopy to copy your vol0 over the temp volume (vol_tmp) (3) make the temp volume (vol_tmp) to be root volume (4) reboot After the reboot (5) offline the old aggr or volume (6) destroy that old aggr or volume to reclaim disks (7) recreate the aggr or volume (vol0) (8) use ndmpcopy to copy /etc from the temporary volume to the new volume (9) make the new volume to be root volume (10) reboot.
Good Luck. --Ngan
aggr create tmp -d 0b.19 vol create vol_tmp tmp 70g ndmp on ndmpcopy /etc /vol/vol_tmp/etc vol options root root_tmp reboot
After the reboot:
aggr offline aggr0 aggr destroy aggr0 aggr create aggr0 -t <raid4 | raid_dp> -d 0b.16 ... vol create vol0 70g ndmpcopy /etc /vol/vol0/etc vol options root vol0 reboot
vol offline root vol destroy root aggr offline tmp aggr destroy tmp
-----Original Message----- From: coolhand2120 [mailto:tony@claydesign.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 7:34 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: No spare disks for root
I have a netapp F760 with 4 FC shelves, because I'm ignorant of how these things work I added all my disks (28x72gb) to my root volume. Now I have no spare disks, and no room in any shelf to add disks. What do I do?
I don't care about the information on the filer, I just want a root volume with 2 disks! I promise not to use all the disks on a single root volume again! I have a /etc directory on a NFS host. I don't have NFS license though so I can't copy files onto the filer via NFS, I have a CIFS license but for some reasons it says "access denied" when a CIFS client tries to access it.
I have console access and telnet access, I'm so frustrated I took the filer home so I have physical access. I don't however have a support contract with netapp or an account on their site (pending their review of my application). I can't create any new volumes because all the disks are assigned to the root volume vol0. Is there anyway to fix this?
-Coolhand2120 -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/No-spare-disks-for-root-tf4380728.html#a12487751 Sent from the Network Appliance - Toasters mailing list archive at Nabble.com.