Happy Holidays,
I am wondering how to add OSSV W2K3 systems to DFM? Is there somewhere a HOWTO, README, knowledgebase article, chapter in the DFM documentation, .., that describes what the prerequisites are (W2K3, SNMP, NDMP enabled on the windows systems?, ...?) and what the process is to add such systems and then to monitor the OSSV updates? A followuo question would then be, how to send an alarm if OSSV updates fail.
I took a brief look at now.netapp.com, but did not find anything right away.
Any pointer, hint, ideas how to do this?
Cheers --pwo
-- Peter W. Osel | pwo@Infineon.COM | pwo@pwo.de | http://pwo.de/ pgp key fingerprint = 79 2D DD 49 C0 AA D8 CF 2C F9 A5 6A BA 37 0E 28