Hey! You guys got a knife? Geez. We should start up a list of stuff sorted by gee-wow value so that we can each find out where we stand with Net App...
I got the mug too, actually. A hat too, I think. And I vaguely recall a bizarro triangular three-colored hilighter pen thing which (embarassingly) I thought for the longest time was a coaster... Not so much "gee-wow" as "oooh, obscure!" value in that one, I guess.
I have seen a great little multi-tip screw-driver with a built-in pen light that I believe was Net App swag as well...
Ooh, now that would be neat.
I'm still kicking myself for not getting the NeXT beach towel. Heck, they had the *complete* line of cool crap... Sadly, I think they sold more stuff from their swag catalog than they did computers. :-)
So, uh, am I the only one realizing that as a group, we don't seem to get out much? Okay, maybe _I_ don't get out enough. :-)
I kinda wish I had some kind of technical question to drag things back on-topic. Hmmm. Ah! Here's one:
After reading a recent field alert I checked the firmware revs on our F760 and now I'm looking at upgrading 21 disks... so, to plan out a downtime to do this, should I expect that it's going to take 21 x N minutes to do each one sequentially, or is there any hope of a degree of parallelism in rolling out new disk firmware? Can it do even one drive per fiber loop in parallel?
We now return to our more important discussion: Embroidered NetApp fleeces - pullover or zippered front?
-- Chris