You can work around the minimal root volume size though if you want to... Not going to post this on the list here because someone might override that limit without thinking about the possible consequences, but if you know what you do, you can disable this limit.
bye, Alex
Am 30.08.2011 um 18:06 schrieb "Steffen Knauf"
we have a FAS3240 and don't have any Problems with Ontap8.02. There are only some cometics Bugs, which aren't solved, but nothing important for us.
It is important to update to the newest BIOS Version before you update to 8.XX!
Have a look to the Release notes for important changes and use the upgrade Guide.
There are some possibilities to copying data across 32bit and 64-bit aggr:
Qtree SnapMirror/NDMP/SnapVault
I used NDMP, which works fine.
Some reasons for us updating to 8.02:
Maximum Deduplicated Volume Size 16 TB
Maximum Aggregate Size > 16 TB
Maximum paralell dedup Operations: 8
Unsupported Feature in 8.02, which could be important:
- IPv6
Some important changes:
- Minimum root Volume Size: 205 GB
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. August 2011 16:09 An: Betreff: upgrade to 8.0.2
We are currently running on our 3160, and I want to upgrade to 7.3.3 or later. Any reason not to go all the way to 8.0.2? My hardware is all supported (finally got rid of those old disk shelves).
And if we’re upgrading, do you usually upgrade disk and shelf FW as well? Is this a requirement? I seem to be one version behind on most of my FW right now.
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