Does anyone have a script that monitor the diskusage on netapp box and sends an email or sends a pager notification.
We have: Solaris 5.5.1 and netapp F520 and F230
If you have one please email it to me Thanks
Madhu Chandra (617)374-3418
See http://now.netapp.com/download/tools/filer_watch_df/ on the NOW (NetApp on the Web) site. Let me know if you don't have NOW access...
It can be configured to send email (to any specified address, including a pager) based on a low disk space condition (vs. currently observed rates of consumption).
I'd be interested in knowing whether anybody out there is actually using this, and in hearing suggestions for improving it. (Note that a new version 2.0, was recently published).
(It used "rsh <filer> df"s to gather data.. I've considered making it use SNMP, but am currently an SNMP ignoramus and would have to learn it... would this be important to people?)
Richard Geiger rmg@netapp.com