Sorry for veering off-topic but I’ll second LogicMonitor. We’ve used it happily for years. While it can be pricey on the whole, you pay per monitored host (IP) so you get a heck of a lot of performance data by pointing at a single Cluster mgmt LIF. You also get outstanding value by monitoring a single Xen pool master or vSphere vCenter server where you get plenty of data on the entire hypervisor resource pool and guests.
________________________________ From: on behalf of Ian Ehrenwald Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 7:57 pm To: josef radinger; Yuvaraja Shivaram; toasters Subject: Re: would like to know the prons and cons between OCUM And Zenoss Monitoring tool
If I can add a wildcard to the mix, I use LogicMonitor for my NetApp health/performance monitoring and I'm very happy with it. Lots of pretty graphs and data correlation and you can pull the raw data via API if you want to do something with it locally. It's an expensive service, but IMO worth it.
________________________________________ From: on behalf of josef radinger Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 1:13:44 PM To: Yuvaraja Shivaram; toasters Subject: Re: would like to know the prons and cons between OCUM And Zenoss Monitoring tool
we have both in use ocum (plus grafana, which is great), because its from netapp. zenoss, because that is our main monitoring-system.
we had severe troubles with zenoss, eg. * whole monitoring suffered from single monitored systems being sometimes unresponsive. there seems to be a queue in zenoss and if something blocks, all checks afterwards get into trouble. * updating was a real pain * zenpack for netapp was not worth it, had troubles to check systems with several thousand qtrees,...
yours josef
On Tue, 2018-12-11 at 20:47 +0530, Yuvaraja Shivaram wrote: Hi All,
Any one knows the pros and cons of OCUM and Zenoss monitoring tool..
just would like to know which is more beneficiaries either using OCUM or Zenoss tool for monitoring..
aiming to configure only netapp storage(C-Mode) not for heterogeneous storage's
Please let us know if anyone's knows more about it, as I am new to Zenoss monitoring Tool.
Regards Yuvaraja
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