Hello, I'm hoping that someone can tell me what is causing this error with ndmpcpy:
ndmpcopy mach:/mach5 rocket:/mach5 -sa root:password -da root:password
Connecting to mach. ERROR: comm.c:393 system call (connect): Connection refused Could not open NDMP connection to host mach.
mach is at OS rev 4.3.1D1 - Any ideas??
login to mach and rocket and run
ndmpd on
This doesn't work from rsh. You might want this in your /etc/rc files.
You may find, as I did, that ndmpcopy hangs after the transfer. Ndmpcopy prints a message saying that one filer is done and it is waiting for the other filer to finish, and it waits forever.
This is some sort of timing issue where the restore finishes before the dump. I think this happens because the dump filer deletes its snapshot and that can take several seconds. Meanwhile the restore filer finishes and exits. So somehow the dump filer gets confused and never exits, so ndmpcopy just sits there. The dump filer still works OK, but some sort of busy loop soaks up the spare CPU, so it sits at 100%. You have to ctrl-c ndmpcopy to terminate, and the dump filer goes back to normal.
NOW BEWARE! Once you test a few times and discover that ndmpcopy tends to hang, you can get into the habit of just interrupting it whenever you see that message. DON'T. If you are copying a very large amount of data, the restore will probably finish well after the dump. This is because the restore does a final pass (after all data has transferred) to set the correct owner and permissions on all directories. If you interrupt ndmpcopy while this is going on, you are left with a bunch of dirs owned by root, with permissions 777 on the restore filer. Can you guess how I found this out?? :-) If the restore finishes after the dump, ndmpcopy exits cleanly. Depending on how many dirs you transferred, you may have to wait a minute or two for that last restore pass to finish.
So never interrrupt ndmpcopy until you see the HALT message from the destination (restore) filer.
Steve Losen scl@virginia.edu phone: 804-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support