We spent a lot of time with netapp on this problem. The netapp expects a very specific string, I think it's "QUANTUM DLT4000" and will bitch if it doesn't see it, even if the drive is an oemed Quantum. We ended up finding a program, Dlttools.zip, that let's you change the name of the label on the SCSI drive, and the netapp was happy. The instructions used to be at www.quantum.com/support/dltapp/qt00004_.htm but they're not there anymore. I sent a copy of Dlttools.zip to netapp support, so they should have it, if you can't find it elsewhere.
On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Brian Tao wrote:
Is there a software patch that will allow me to use a Sun-brand
DLT4000 external SCSI-2 tape drive with a Netapp? I plugged one in, and the Netapp complained that "SUN DLT4000" wasn't a supported drive. Aren't these just Quantum mechanisms inside, but with Sun's name in the vendor string? I'd really rather not have to go out and buy all new drives... -- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@netcom.ca) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
Dror Matalon Voice: 510 649-6110 DNAI -- Direct Network Access Fax: 510 649-7130 2039 Shattuck Avenue Modem: 510 649-6116 Berkeley, CA 94704 Email: dror@dnai.com