see below for 3.2 code disk errors, 3.3 does not seem to log these errors we were always getting such errors below at least once a week and told by our SE to ignore them as they were not significant. see below for example - once 3.3 code was installed errors vanished and I am sure physical hardware errors do not vanish overnight
Tue Jul 21 12:33:21 GMT [isp_main]: Disk 9a.1(0x8721a0): READ sector 818536 recovered error (1 18, 80)
It appears that the SCSI driver (the part of the code that handles the SCSI protocol, whether over Boring Old Parallel SCSI or over Fibre Channel) was changed not to log SCSI "recovered errors"; in the ONTAP code base, it appears that change was made between the 5.1[.x] and 5.2 releases (i.e., 5.1[.x] appear to log them, and 5.2 and later appear not to log them), and in the NetCache code base, it appears that change was made between 3.2[.x] and 3.3.
The errors not logged in 5.2-and-later ONTAP releases and 3.3-and-later NetCache releases are:
unit attention
recovered error
not ready, in ONTAP 5.3 and later.
Other errors are logged.
I'm not a SCSI expert, so you should ask one (hi, Radek!) if you have more detailed questions about the rationale for this.