Hi toasters,
I use Windows domain server to authenticate my filer users, and there is a unix qtree which I configured to be the users' home dir. my filer is also a NIS client in a Unix domain.
Now I add some entries to the filer's local passwd file, and these users want to map their home dirs from their windows laptop.
The problem is when they are mapping, some of them succeeded, some failed because they can not pass the authentication
The passwd file is like this
root:x:0:1::/: nobody::65535:65535::/: abzhang::25073:39::/: martma::25269:39::/: johli:25270:39::/:
the nsswitch file is like this
#Auto-generated by NIS Tue Mar 26 10:12:13 GMT 2002 hosts: files nis dns passwd: files nis netgroup: files nis group: files nis shadow: files nis
Could anyone help ?