The Samba suite includes “smbcacls”, which runs on Unix. It uses the SMB protocol to examine and modify NTFS-style ACLs.
From: [] On Behalf Of Parisi, Justin Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 6:40 AM To: Basil; John Adams Cc: Subject: RE: Listing NTFS style ACLs from unix client via NFS
If you are looking to see the “effective” permissions for NFS clients on NTFS style volumes, you need to toggle the option that allows that.
In 7-mode, the option is nfs.ntacl_display_permissive_perms
In cDOT it’s ntacl-display-permissive-perms - page 82
You can also look at ACLs from the storage.
In 7-mode: fsecurity show /vol/volname/filepath
In cDOT: vserver security file-directory show –path /vol/filepath
From: [] On Behalf Of Basil Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:00 AM To: John Adams Cc: Subject: Re: Listing NTFS style ACLs from unix client via NFS
On NFS3, no.
On Wednesday, 13 April 2016, John Adams <> wrote: Hello,
Simple question here..
If a qtree is using NTFS style permissions, and that same qtree is exported via NFS to a unix client... Is there a way to see the NTFS acl's from that unix client? The usual "ls -l" just shows what looks like mode 777. Maybe an open source tool that could be installed on the unix client or something?