On the CLI you can use 'useradmin domainuser list -g Adminstrators' to see who's in the group. There's an 'add' and 'delete' subcommand to add and delete Windows uers from the specified group. Or the MMC works too.
I think you have to be running at least ONTAP 7.0 for this CLI interface to work, BTW.
-- Adam Fox adamfox@netapp.com
-----Original Message----- From: Raj Patel [mailto:phigmov@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 8:29 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: Windows SnapDrive Query
The simplest way: Add the sduser domain account to the local admins
group of your filer,
using the compmgmt.msc MMC plugin.
Bingo - new it was something simple.
Do the command line tools on the filer itself show this ? Whats the command ?
I'll have to update our documentation . . .
Cheers all, Raj.