I have both my ports on a linkswitch 3000, at 100mb, full-duplex.
Both ends are configured manually for 100mit, full duplex.
I do not believe when i was running 4.3.4, that I got any errors. But now, with 5.3, I'm seeing occasional errors. (a few every 10-15 seconds).
In this VLAN, there's only 1 other device talking to the netapp, and it's configure for 100mb, full-duplex as well, and it sees no errors either coming or going.
As I said, I believe this is new behaviour. I have rebooted everything just to make sure, and double checked it all, and it's all full duplex 100mbit.
Cabling is short, and tests fine on a Fluke 682 lan meter...
Anybody else seeing something similar before I go knocking on Netapps door?