On Fri, 20 Nov 1998 sirbruce@ix.netcom.com wrote:
I'm surprised the crash dumps haven't helped. My first recommendation would be to downgrade. The "apparently" doesn't cut it; either they can tell you specifically what was fixed and you can assess the risk of downgrading, or you should just do it anyway. But if doing so would be a big problem according to Netapp, then you need to look for other solutions.
Aside from the nasty bugs in ndmp, which I hope have been fixed in 5.1.2, I have no reason other than their word not to downgrade. If I hear nothing tonight, I will be downgrading anyway.
I'm currently waiting for someone at netapp who is apparently looking over my crashdump right now. He said five minutes...it's been twenty...I can only be so patient...
If that is the case, I assume you've already looked at the obvious culprits like making sure you're not doing a dump, restore, etc. when
Checked, and no.
this happens. After eliminating that, my best advice would be to change the client mounts to use different NFS protocols... UDP instead of TCP, and/or v2 instead of v3. Doing so may prevent or may make it less likely that you'll 'tickle' the Netapp bug. Also, check out the different
Well, we have mostly v2 clients, but the v3 tcp client and the v3 udp clients have all seen exactly the same behaviour.
interfaces you have... perhaps switching from ATM to Gigabit, or from Gigabit to 100tx, may alleviate the problem. (If you can check mounts through each interface when the "slowdown" occurs, you may be able to confirm a particular interface as the culprit.)
Checked, and both fddi (two of them) and the 100fdx are all having the same issue.
I've really beat at this, and I'm rather positive it's a bug.