On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Kelly Setzer wrote:
|> On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Dave Hitz wrote: |[...] |> > |> > To absolutely ensure that you are subscribed to the list, it is |> > usually necessary to send repeated "subscribe" messages. |> > Otherwise the message may be lost or ignored. |> > |> |> Hitz has had too much Starbucks again...somebody hide the java ;-) |> | |Despite the recent Boardwatch thread on portmaster-users, this list |continues to be most entertaining. I only hope that the NetApp people |are better at making toasters than they are at subscribing to mailing |lists ;-).
I doubt its the people making our precious netapps that are screwing up the subscribes ;) You can bet its the salespeople in the field is my guess. Luckily my salesperson was smart enough to subscribe correctly :-)
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