On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Jay Orr wrote:
I can dasy-chain on more trays?
That depends on what kind of SCSI the shelves used and how many disks you already have in them. I should look into this, just to satisfy my curiosity.
Also, could I use a generic hot-swap SCSI cabinet?
The cabinet is basically a cable which also happens to short the right pins on the drives to give them the right IDs.
And if I put 9 gig drives in them, any special ones?
That should not matter as long as they support all the SCSI commands that the drives selected by NAC do. I think you should be fine with any >= 9GB drives.
Also, I notice on the sysconfig that both slot0 and 9 use Qlogic ISP 1020A scsi controllers. As best as I can see those are discontinued, but they're standard PCI scsi controllers -- anyone dropped in another PCI scsi controller and see what it does?
There is no such thing as a "standard pci scsi controller." You're at the mercy of NACs OS for this. This is one piece of glue that they must support. However, like I said, if you put new software on the box you should be able to buy a recent PCI scsi controller even if it will be NAC selling it.
And what's with your CPU speed?
Overclocked NACs, sounds good to me, as long as you have another CPU sitting in a drawer ready to replace the one running, and your users are ready to live without their data for a couple minutes while you swap out the damn thing.