-----Original Message----- From: Brian Tao [mailto:taob@risc.org] Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 12:26 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Clustered failover product roadmap
I've got two conflicting pieces of information that I'd like
to have sorted out. I initially thought that clustered failover was available on the F760 late last year, and that it was coming to the F740 sometime this quarter. I was then told by a Netapp vendor that last year saw the rollout of clustering on the F630's, and that I should only expect clustering on the F760's this quarter. Clustering on the F740's was not in the plans.
F630 Clusters starting shipping October 10th of last year. F760 and F740 Clusters started shipping January 11th of this year.
I'm pretty sure I heard right the first time, and I'm told Netapp
demonstrated an F740 cluster at LISA'98. I bought a pair of F740's on the assumption that I could get clustering on them for 1999Q1, and I'm about to buy another pair on the same assumption.
We did demonstrate an F740 cluster at LISA'98 last December.
-- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@risc.org) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"