We implemented simple file lock monitoring on our 7mode filers: A script runs each 5 minutes retrieving output from lock status -n command from all vfilers. For example:
# ssh [...] vfiler run sngnas100703 lock status -n CIFS: 0 share locks, 0 byte locks [...] NFSV4: 29 share locks, 5 byte locks [...] Total Locks: 29 share locks, 5 byte locks [...]
We would like to implement equivalent solution for cDOT but there is no command returning lock status summary (all we need is to count share and byte locks per protocol: CIFS and NFSv4). cDOT documentation and NetApp support suggest using command:
vserver locks show
Command warns that it may affect system performance and we will query clusters each couple of minutes. The script will have to retrieve huge output, parse it and calculate required totals.
What is the best and non-intrusive way to retrieve locks status? (other commands? API?)
Best regards,
Jacek Nogala