Hi toasters,
I've setup an XDP snapmirror relation on one of our customer systems yesterday with the default MirrorAndVault policy (which includes daily and weekly snapmirror labels). After the baseline transfer, I recognized that no daily and weekly snapshots have been transferred to the destination and after deeper investigation I found out that the customer did set up a custom snapshot policy which was missing the snapmirror labels:
Custom-policy 3 true - Schedule Count Prefix SnapMirror Label ---------------------- ----- ---------------------- ------------------- daily 7 daily - weekly 4 weekly -
I've now modifed the policy (for all future snapshots) and did also modify all existing snapshots to add the labels:
snap modify -vserver vserver -snapshot weekly.* -snapmirror-label weekly -volume * snap modify -vserver vserver -snapshot daily.* -snapmirror-label daily -volume *
All snapshots do now show the correct snapmirror label, so I ran `snapmirror update` on the destination, but the old snapshots have not been transferred, which is most likely because they've been created "before" the XDP snapshot on the source volume. Newly created snapshots though, the one which got created overnight now with the new sm "daily" prefix, got transferred with the most recent update.
What are my options now to also bring all the old snapshots to the destination? Do I need to reinitialize the relation?
Alexander Griesser Head of Systems Operations
ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
E-Mail: AGriesser@anexia-it.commailto:AGriesser@anexia-it.com Web: http://www.anexia-it.comhttp://www.anexia-it.com/
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