On Thu, 11 May 2000, Rob Windsor wrote:
On Thu, 11 May 2000 12:02:35 EDT, "David H. Brierley" wrote:
Are you saying "maxes out" in that it will not allow you to hook up the last shelf or that it runs out of horsepower?
You hit a maximum in one of the specifications. As per Dennis Haag from NetApp:
The F740 maxxes out at 16 shelves (8 per loop), 112 disks (56 per loop), or 928GB, whichever you hit first. So with 18GB disks 928/18 ~= 51.5 disks. Parity disks and hot spares would not be counted against the 928GB limit.
But.... According to my F740, an 18GB disk is not 18GB. The output of 'sysconfig -v' identifies the drives as follows:
2: SEAGATE ST118202FC FDF6 Size=17.0GB (35566480 blocks)
Based on my understanding of the way mathematics works, 928 divided by 17 is 54.5882. Since a raid group is limited to 28 drives, filling the filer this full requires at least 2 parity disks. Eight full shelves, at 7 drives per shelf, is 56 drives, minus the 2 parity drives, yields 54 possible data drives. The last time I looked, 54 was less than 54.5882. And this even ignores the question of spare drives, which I'm assuming you have at least one of and possibly more. So, it should be possible to completely fill eight shelves with "18GB" drives and not exceed any of the defined limits.