Using UDP, v2. minra off or on seems to have no effect. The filer is spending all it's time loading directories, rather than doing useful work, from the standpoint of it should just run slower, not stop completely.
On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 wrote:
+--- In our lifetime, Jaye Mathisen wrote: | | | Wanna kill your filer? Put lots of big directories with lots of files in | there, then watch the nfs server not responding messages start up. | | I have an F540, 256MB RAM, and 8MB NVRAM that is just getting wiped out | with numerous large directories. (~40-50k files/dir). Hangs of 20-30 | seconds are not uncommon, sometimes as long as 3 minutes.
How are your client mounting the filer? If it is V3 then this could be the problem. I saw this behavior when using a large USENET spool on a filer and using V3. The READDIR+ would cause the filer to hang for a little (esp on with 3 week expires...).
Remounting with V2 fixed the "problem". Works great without it.
Also, do you have MINRA on or off?