Ray Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but if I go to Storage > {Hostname} > Disk Groups > {Aggregate} > Performance, I get a breakdown of workloads/VMs which can be sorted by Most IO, Worst RT, and Highest Disk Utilization. Clicking on the workload name can possibly give you some more detail, but I believe that's the page/tab that you found already.
Ian Ehrenwald Senior Systems Administrator Hachette Book Group, Inc. 617.263.1948 - office 646.842.1261 - mobile ian.ehrenwald@hbgusa.com
On 5/23/14, 10:07 AM, "Ray Van Dolson" rvandolson@esri.com wrote:
Running OnCommand Balance
Not an expert with it tool and looking for a "quick" fix here, though obviously reading through the manual more thoroughly is on the TODO list (Google search didn't net me anything).
Overnight, have had some growth on one of our VMware volumes (NFS attached volume). System Management Console shows that heavier than normal write activity began overnight and is ongoing. Balance shows the same, but I'd like to see which VM living on the volume is responsible for the writes.
I'm not seeing an obvious way to do this in Balance, however. At the volume level view there's a Servers tab, but it doesn't show anything helpful. The Capacity tab shows trend information for the entire volume only.
On the Servers tab I can click on individual "servers" (VM's) and view some information about disk activity (though it doesn't break it out into read/write), but this is a bit on the tedious side.
Was hoping Balance would make it easy to track down the source of this sort of activity.
Any ideas?
Ray _______________________________________________ Toasters mailing list Toasters@teaparty.net http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/toasters
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