We're running into a bug where the Synopsys tools blow up when the simulation datafile size reaches 2Gig. It appears that Solaris 2.6 is fine with 'largefile' as long as the application is appropriately set up for such.
Before I send the developer off to pound on Synopsys about the problem, does Data OnTapp 5.2.1 have a filesize limitation? I seem to remember reading "not since v4.n" (and a given value of `n'), but now I can't find that reference.
-- Rob ---------------------------------------- Rob Windsor E-Mail - mailto:windsor@adc.com Senior Unix Systems Administrator Voice - phone:972-680-6919 Computer Services Fax - phone:972-680-0370 Business Broadband Group __o ADC Telecommunications _`<,_ Richardson, TX 75082 (_)/ (_)