On Jul 2, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Chris Muellner wrote:
Has anybody migrated quotas from an existing Windows file server with DAS, using quotas through storage management in the MMC, to a NetApp using CIFS shares before? I know there’s an export feature in the MMC in Windows, but I can’t seem to get it to export into an decipherable format. There are currently over 1,000 quotas in place (some the same, many different) that we would really prefer not to have to redo all by hand. Any ideas? Thanks!
I've never migrated quotas from windows to ontap, but my dusty windows programming hat says:
*using WMI, Win32_DiskQuota *echo out the user, limit, and volume properties
a google search for Win32_DiskQuota yields this useful snippet:
#### strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root \cimv2")
Set colDiskQuotas = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskQuota")
For each objQuota in colDiskQuotas Wscript.Echo "Disk Space Used: " & vbTab & objQuota.DiskSpaceUsed Wscript.Echo "Limit: " & vbTab & objQuota.Limit Wscript.Echo "Quota Volume: " & vbTab & objQuota.QuotaVolume Wscript.Echo "Status: " & vbTab & objQuota.Status Wscript.Echo "User: " & vbTab & objQuota.User Wscript.Echo "Warning Limit: " & vbTab & objQuota.WarningLimit Next ####
-=--=- gerald villabroza, <geraldv at stanford.edu> technical lead, its storage, stanford university