On 04/30/98 10:59:37 you wrote:
This past Saturday we moved our mail spool from a SunOS 4.1.3_U1 system to our NetApp F330 running ONTAP 4.3.3. Since then, we've had problems with procmail processes hanging on open file locks. This only occurs when someone leaves mailtool or dtmail running.
Does anyone have any idea why mailtool won't handle file locking when mounting the spool from a NetApp, but will when mounting from a SunOS system?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I would try applying the numerous patches for 4.1.3_U1, particularly the NFS patches and the mailtool patches from your descriptions. I might also check out upgrading to 4.1.4 and it's associated patches.
Actually, I'm assuming your clients are the same flavor as your old mail spool server. If you have Solaris 2.x clients, there are patches for them as well.
If the problem still persists you can talk to Netapp, probably get them a trace and they can find out who isn't doing locking correctly.